Not only CAN we make money while saving the planet, we MUST. Capitalism, for all its faults, is second only to dictatorships for getting things done quickly.
The sooner business and the democratic governments of the world recognise this, the sooner we can make our global economy truly sustainable.
For that to happen, we must replace population growth and the plundering and polluting of our planet with TRUE productivity improvements to promote economic growth and higher living standards. That means moving our focus from short-term, financial and political goals to a long-term focus on research and development, investment in sustainable infrastructure and the highest possible education standards for all 7 Billion of us.
For cynics of capitalism, remember that capitalism has dragged millions of people around the world out of a miserable existence. For cynics of ‘greenies’, I would ask you recognise we live on a planet of finite resources with a delicate ecosystem. The sooner we modify our business practices to use renewable resources without unnecessarily damaging our ecosystem, the more confident we can be that our prosperity can continue for our kids and grandkids.
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