What will the world be like for my new grandchild?
There are certain events in one's life that causes you to pause and consider the wonders of life, the universe and everything. My wife and I were just marvelling at the wonders of modern medicine that has enabled another child to come safely into the world and the wonders of modern technology that enabled her photo to be flashed around the globe within minutes of being born.
There are so many wonderful advances in medicine and technology. The first bionic eye has been developed. Google have mixed voice recongnition software with translation software - producing the first, embryonic bablefish. Around the world poverty is slowly reducing, health and education slowly improving. We are entering a golden era of social development.
Yet this can all be undone by the insane deniers of the damage we are doing to our planet's climate. Raving looneys like Lord Monckton, self serving mischief makers like Andrew Bolt, fossil fueled lobbyists like Mitch Hook and opportunist politicans like Tony Abbot do nothing to further society. They just drag us back to a selfish, short term, materialistic focus that places having the latest mobile phone in your pocket as being the be all and end all of life.
So what will the world be like for my beautiful granddaughter as she grows up? It is hard at times to be positive. The climate catastrophes around the world in the last 12 months are just a taste of her future unless sanity prevails and our politicians do what is right for the world for once.
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