It does amaze me how dumb so many of the highly educated and highly remunerated leaders of the corporate world are. Too many just cannot see beyond the end of their quarterly forecast. US carmakers continuing to churn out gas guzzlers and kyboshing their electric car projects in a world that’s running out of oil. Aussie car makers dropping small car manufacture and instead putting millions into developing yet more ‘Big 6s’ and V8s- just as oil hits $150 a barrel. Banks not seeing the pyramid schemes underlying their derivatives trading. Retailers not seeing the threat from on line sales. Coal industry blindly assuming we can continue pumping out greenhouse gases for ever despite 150 years of science to draw on. Now we have bookshops who could not see the threat from Amazon and ebooks.
Come on guys! Get your heads out of your MBAs and get your egos out of your big salary packages. Get out of your high rise offices, get onto the street. Throw away your Financial Times and stop going to corporate love ins where you all reinforce your belief in your own propaganda. The world is changing. Adopt and adapt and stop clinging to a marketing and production mindset that has hardly changed since the 19th Century.
You have the brains. You have the education. You are just lacking a touch of humility and a dose of common sense.
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